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Dollhouse Mortuary RefrigeratorFridge, Refrigerator, Funeral, Mortuary, Morgue, Mortician, undertaker 1" Scale Miniature Dollhouse Item Starting at $278.99 to $332.79
The Mortuary Refrigerator, the front wall only to save space in a miniature scene! Choice of 6 doors or 9 doors. One door is open with a 'tray' on 'roller drawer' part way out with a pair of legs covered by a blanket with the feet stuck out, giving the suggestion of a dead body under it! The left big toe has a tag tied around it labelling the body as " John Doe ".
Select From: 6 Doors (Approx.: "H x "W x "D) or 9 Doors (Approx.: "H x "W x "D) Click Here -> For More Medical Items Click Here -> For More English Items
Note: Special Order Item (Allow 8 to 10 weeks)
Imported and Made in England

| SKU Number: MY-15678